1. sitting down at the piano and tired of playing but stay just touching and looking at it. you go to shut it but hold the key door (what are those things called?) hovering just above them so that you can see the numbers at the top of each key. yup, 88 just like there's supposed to be. someone said eighty-eight this morning and i remembered each key's red stamped number.
2. here's another because that was maybe a bad one to start off with. when was the last time you remembered that bears actually sleep for six months of the year!
3. i've now officially decided against the original gradual-release plan. what about caterpillars wrapping themselves up in a homemade cocoon and becoming something entirely different two weeks later.
4. blue whales are so so big.
5. there are cougars in southern ontario. this is not really supposed to be on the list but i forget the rest right now and just remembered about the cougar sighting in lindsay a couple of days ago.

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