Rykestrasse (!)
orangutans fucking
at the Berlin zoo, which also had the best playground known to man including 3 (!) different extraordinarily bouncy and unsupervised trampolines and other fun things. see -
this computer is about to die, so no more except this one. i found budapest very supportive.
i think, if and when, you buy a car you should buy a mini-van, with that on the side.
the whole berlin thing was pretty much how i pictured it. other then i thought the bmw's were older...
1) the orangutans - whoa. the male's face is enormous, and the look in the female's eyes is priceless....(in barely related news, did you hear how last week or so some doctor was performing a hysterectomy and just happened to catch the woman's ovulation on film? ON FILM. the photos are totally fascinating)
2) and the berlin thing was a lot how i pictured it as well, although for some reason i thought the bmws were SUVs (thus adding to my outrage at the waste)
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